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Live Auction

March 10, 2025 – Modern & Vintage Furniture, Guns, Ammo, Advertising, Pedal Tractors, Jewelry & More

March 10, 2025

Preview Sunday, March 9, 1-3 pm

FURNITURE: Student roll-top desk/chair; wash stand; maple vanity w/mirror; marble-topped stand; wingback chair/ottoman; walnut dresser; bowfront China cupboard (some damage); wall stand; wicker chairs/ottoman; loveseat; (2) Mission rockers; coffee table/end stands; record cabinet; Mission library stand; map stand; double bed; stained glass lamps; wicker setee; wicker coffee table; loveseat recliner; bar stools; towel rack; vintage mantel; wooden cabinet; and other modern furnishings.

VINTAGE/DÉCOR/COLLECTIBLES: Granite Ware; dolls; quilting stand; braided rugs; assorted frames/prints; Shooner redware; Breininger pottery; Fire King cereal bowls; Corning mug set; glazed redware pottery; Turtlecreek pottery; R. C. Engle redware; Polish pottery/Temptations; milk glass; Native American figurines; Boyd’s bears; modern C.I. toys; Smith glass; Fenton glass; washbowl/pitcher; vintage croquet set; Fiestaware; banjo clock; cuckoo clock; barn lantern; steeple clock; reproduction C.I. banks; vintage green metal light shades; costume and other jewelry; crockery; Thomas Kinkade prints; P. Buckley Moss prints; Longaberger baskets; quilts; Spode china; Lenox; trunks; RR lantern; blue glass jars; candy containers; military gear; Velocipede; wall tapestry & more.

PERSONAL PROPERTY: Fans; Christmas lights; baskets; plastic drawers; planters; shop stool; assorted parts cabinets; tool bucket; coolers/jugs; hatchets; wet stones; clamps; bits; toolboxes; Dept. 56; storage boxes; games; general household dishes; fishing poles; holiday décor; cat crates; fabric/costumes; Beanie bears; and much more.

GUNS/AMMO/ETC (SOLD at 5PM) (9) Gun cases; holsters; nice selection of ammo; cleaning rods; bear spray; binoculars; BB guns; Australian gun cabinet; nice selection of knives; Target Master Remington .22 model 41 bolt action single shot; Remington .22 LR Model 522 w/clip; Remington 7mm ‘08 model 700 w/scope; Remington .22 LR single shot w/ivory inlay; Remington 870 Magnum 20ga. pump-action Wingmaster; Marlin .22 model 783 bolt-action Mossberg 410.  NOTE: No online bidding on firearms and ammo. We will PAUSE the online bidding to sell the guns and ammo. All FFL paperwork will be done onsite. NO SHIPPING ON GUNS! PICK UP ONLY


At 9 AM auction begins in our Back Gallery

  • Items not cataloged
  • Photos can be viewed in the PHOTO GALLERY
  • Sold in-person
  • Absentee bids welcome – can be submitted in-person or by email

At 12:30 PM auction begins in our Main Gallery

  • Items are cataloged & photographed
  • Photos can be viewed in the PHOTO GALLERY and through the Bidding Platform.
  • Sold in-person and online
  • Bidding options – in-person, online, absentee and phone.

After Main Gallery will sell items in Furniture Gallery

  • Items not cataloged
  • Photos can be viewed in the PHOTO GALLERY
  • Sold in-person
  • Absentee bids welcome – can be submitted in-person or by email


Successful Bidders may pick up on sale day or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8 AM – 5 PM and Friday from 8 AM – Noon. Closed non-auction days from Noon – 1 PM. Deadline for pick-up is by Noon on Friday.


We ship UPS or USPS insured for bid amount. Please allow time for accurate and safe packing of your items. Bidders will be invoiced a total including shipping and handling.

TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. 15% buyer’s premium discounted to 10% for cash or approved check for in house bidders & online bidders using our website. Statements made day of sale take precedence.


Our Service is the Difference

Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, AY002190, AH002001

Auctioneer Heather Kohler AU005651

Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L

Apprentice Auctioneer Mervin Jay Smoker AA0019843

Auction starts at:

9:00 am

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