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May 10, 2025 at 10 AM – Model Trains and Accessories

May 10, 2025

Preview Friday, May 9 from 3 – 5 PM and sale day from 8 AM

MODEL TRAINS: (436) Cataloged lots. Featured lots include Boxed Plasticville Church, Hospital w/Furniture, Two-Story House, Drug Store, Ranch House, Suburban station, Split-Level House OB; Lionel Postwar O Gauge: 2400 Maplewood, 2401 Hillside, 2402 Chatham Green/Gray Passenger Cars OB/Inserts with Some Flaps Missing; 56 M&STL Mine Transport Switcher (Paint Chipped On Railing) OB/Insert All Flaps Missing On 1 End; 6808 Flatcar/USMC Radar and Medical Trucks Box Remnant; 2031 Rock Island Alco AA Diesels No Boxes; 6827 Harnischfeger Power Shovel Car w/Inner and Outer Boxes; 726/2426W Berkshire Loco and Tender (Repro Box for Tender Only); 2344 New York Central F-3 AA Diesels with Wrapping Paper, OB, and Master Carton; 2344 New York Central F-3 B Unit Dummy W/Wrapping Paper and OB; 342 Operating Culvert Loader/6342 Gondola/8 Culverts/90 Controller OB; Baltimore And Ohio Tuscan Automobile Car (Small Paint Fleck Above Truck) No Box; 6801-50 Flatcar/Yellow Boat/OB W/Inserts; 6801 Flatcar/Blue Boat OB (Torn and Flap Missing);  USA Trains G Gauge: R22301 Santa Fe SD40-2 #5036 w/Dual Motors/Operating Smokestack OB; K-Line O Gauge: K-3015 1998 Yuengling Brewery 4-6-2 Loco/Tender #1829 W/Smoke/Whistle OB; 1522 NABISCO Train Set: S-2 Switcher/Dual Motors, Gondola/Crates, Boxcar, Flatcar/Load, Tank Car, Lighted Caboose, Track, Transformer, Poles and Signs in Set Box & much more!

UNCATALOGED:  (125) tray lots will be offered after the regular auction items are sold, consisting of Plasticville buildings, parts and accessories; Marx, Lionel and other rolling stock and accessories; large assortment of Lionel billboards. HO trains and accessories, Lionel track set, vehicles and other items for layouts. Uncatalogued traylots sold after catalog items – no online bidding for uncatalogued traylots.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Sale includes a very large selection of Postwar Lionel, many with boxes. There are also lots of boxed Plasticville items to choose from. There are some G Gauge engines and rolling stock, including some Disney items. Rail King, K-Line and MTH are also represented. A nice selection of sets round out this sale.

Cataloged items begin promptly at 10 AM. Live online bidding through our website OR Invaluable/AuctionZip. Complete catalog online – Printed catalog upon request

TERMS: Cash, check, Visa, MC, Discover accepted. 15 % Buyer’s premium applied to in-house & Live online bidding on, discounted to 10% for cash or good check. 20% buyer’s premium applied to Live stream bidding on Invaluable/AuctionZip. Buyers responsible for all shipping costs. Statements made day of sale take precedence.


Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, AY002190, AH002001

Auctioneer Heather R.  Kohler AU005651
Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L
Apprentice Auctioneer Mervin Jay Smoker AA019843

Auction starts at:

10:00 am

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